This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

The two main issues of email traffic

I am leaving here some "food for thot" and I think everyone knows about it anyway but it is good to remind us all.

The problem we have with e-mails today are two:
1. Spammers
2. Network eye dropping

I am not sure if everyone is feeling secure about e-mails as it is easy to someone or a separate entity to eye dropping and monitor your information on a network. If the e-mails goes to a server, what guaranty do we have that a employee or “gov entity” wouldn’t sniff thru while it is in transit. That is indeed one of the 2nd biggest challenges on email traffic.
Today we have this scenario:
1. Sender sends email to receiver
2. e-mail goes from a network to another network
3. e-mail drops in the receiver’s mail box
4. e-mail gets opened by the receiver
5. e-mails stay on the mail box or is “deleted” by receiver.

There is nothing that guarantees that a 3rd party is monitoring this procedure.

What about this scenario
6. Sender sends encrypted email to receiver
7. e-mail goes encrypted from a network to another network
8. e-mail drops in the receiver’s mail box
9. e-mail gets opened by the receiver only with access to mail box key authentication.
10. e-mail is destroyed or returned to an encrypted form after being read.

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