This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

Skip the human readable form

Skip the human readable form. Or at least include an option to skip the human readable form. I would be a bit surprised if someone's email adress contained my name....
BTW, when all this email fuzz started, every student at my university got an email adress of the form, where 123456 was the students registration number. Noone complained. And as email adresses are concentrated on servers such as hotmail and yahoo, adresses like jakob1234@... are nothing uncommon.
In Jakob-John-ggggg@... the John-ggggg is effectively just a longer password. And to my mind, making the adress shorter is more important than making it human readable.
But that is just my personal opinion. However, I see no reason that segmail should have a special syntax for the email adresses. Then again, the more you remove that syntax stuff, the more similar it becomes to Zoemail.

On a side note, can the Zoemail patent be valid? The idea of using different email aliases for different contacts (such as newsgroups, web services ...) is ages old. The only new thing about it is automating the process.

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