This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

Checking associate reply

Comment from Igor Schlumberger , LeGuide . com : as you can send the same mail to multiple recipients , Segmail cannot check that each one use your associate reply - mail address . So it ' s like having random encoded emails to send mails and burn them when they become spamed . You give also your mail by phone and you must have a full domaine name for each user , not easy in company , because you have to change DNS and mail server configuration to handle multiple domaine names .

Best way for me will be when the recipient mail server will talk to the sender mail server thru DNS to check that the mail was send from the original server .

[I think your concern will be addressed by version 2 of the spec. We are changing it to allow multiple users on the same domain. AT]

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