This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

My practical and technical notes

Hi everybody,

For me, the main purpose of an email address is to be sharable, like a phone number, with this system, imagine the nightmare to give your address to 50 persons in a meeting.

The main source of junk is from public email (for my company, like, 95% of the other accounts ( does not get any spam, for us the spam comes mainly at the RIPE database address, the info and the address (fake) used on forum for posting.

I think the problem should be addressed in an other way, the perfect scenario would be to give all individual and all system (mailing list) a single identifier, yea, I think about x.509 and pgp.

My company uses S/MIME and X.509 certificates, it's a costly and long process, but it has greatly improved our email reading time.

But I'm not here to debate, let's come back to segmail, technical notes:
- Adding a proxy segmail server, if straightforward is really easy in most configuration.
- Segmail can be given as an option by service provider.
- Such piece of software can be easily integrated into existing email server.
- Slow down the email process.
- Do not stop worms propagation (legitimate sender computer is infected)
- Can generate a HUGE amount of email address, imagine a company with 30 000 addresses, each address has 1000 recipients...

This is my notes for today.

PS: Hope my english is understandable.

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