This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

Sharing Addresses

Consider when you send an email to two (or more) people. Person #1 and #2 presumably both receive different email addresses for you. Person #1 replies to all. Person #2 receives person #1's version of your email address in the headers. Person #2 can now pretend to be person #1.

I've been using a similar idea for a couple years: I make a new email alias every time I have to sign up for a new online form, and keep a real addresses for correspondence with humans. But I'm just one guy with a domain. I'm a bit concerned as to how well this sort of thing would work for email providers with more than a few users. Allocating a new subdomain for each user, setting up a new email server for each .. sounds like a lot of work.

You might be interested to know that none of the 150 or so aliases that I use get any spam.

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