This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

Website first contact email

First contact email at a commercial address is an important consideration.

If people do indeed take email addresses off of web sites and store them for a long period of time before using them, than perhaps an adaption to address that would be a simple web form that only takes the email address of the customer.

It sends them an email from your Segmail address (for them), to which they can then reply to or store.

It would mean a small hoop for a customer, but it also gives you their address (in the "store from web site" scenario you don't get it) and it allows you to invite them to subscribe to your mailing list or other acquisition / relationship development.

In response to your second item, a whitelist does not allow people to (a) share your address, (b) to give your address to an institution you may not necessarily know what email address they will send to you from, or (c) to authenticate the sender. Segmail does all three.

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