This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

Server Traffic Monitor=[STM]

Name of software: Server Traffic Monitor, acronym=(STM)
Software operation layout contents:
First horizontal roll:
A-[inbond traffic]
1.[Date=00/00/00] 2.[Time=12:00:00 AM-PM] 3.[ip address=]
4.[Name of Party=domain name] 5.[Port Number=0-0000]
Second horizontal roll:
B-[Outbound traffic]
1.[Date=00/00/00] 2.[Time=12:00:00 AM-PM] 3.[ip address=]
4.[Name of Party=domain name] 5.[Port Number=0-0000]
C-System Warnings
c1. Intrusions c2. Cache overflow attacks c3. DNS DOS Attacks
c4. Port testing
d1.Sub action#1=
Click on 3.[ip address=] It gives geographic location of
party and address. What else=illegal ip address, action=put on
memory to block.

d2.Sub action#2=
Click on 4.[Name of Party=domain name] repeat=C1. Sub action #1

d3.Sub action#3=
Click on 5.[Port Number=0-0000]=Gives: TCP-UDP, What is the meaning
and history of that port and what ways and where it can affect the
system. If positive=do nothing, if negative=block port or block port
for www inbound traffic or if safe, leave open for intranet.

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