This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

Evolution Science Vs Religion Aside

Whether or not the theory of evolution is true has been a controversial topic since Darwin's day. Some proponents of "Intelligent Design" and the religious community find question in it. Evolution is well supported by both field and laboratory science, and it is essentially uniformly accepted within the scientific community.

Whether true or not, it’s a great idea, and has been reused in computing.

In the blue corner we have the scientific community: The issue of "truth" is raised by the religious community who insist on the truth of scriptural events. A scientific theory is a model that describes, explains, and predicts natural phenomena or behavior. There's little point in comparing the truth of science versus religion; one is a fact and the other is a belief. Evolution is "true" in the sense that it occurs. Ask any farmer if the bugs in his fields develop resistance to insecticide--they do, and that's evolution at work.

In the red corner we have the religious community: We utterly fail give credit where the real credit is due. Acknowledge God. He created it all including us. As sophisticated and clever as we think we are, we still don't have a clue about how it all works, let alone why. It's like trying to measure infinity with a yard stick. You might come close but you'll never quite get there because we have finite minds that cannot fully grasp the how and the why. Better to marvel at the wonders of God, and give thanks, then get back to the work of learning and doing. Isaiah 55:9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts." If you want to know the truth, read the bible. Many writers, one author.

And the referee says: No further content toward religion-vs-science will get approved as it is off-topic. I would like to live in a world where one person's reality is free to coexist with another person's reality. In that sense I think scientific models are just approximations of truth that haven't been disproven yet, and any religious scriptures that may have been written by an infinite creator can never fully be understood by a finite man. Therefore no man can be completely sure of the absolute truth or the nature, meaning, existence or will of our source - and therefore no one has the right to impose their interpretation on anyone else. Or something like that.

Having said that, a thunderstorm just started as I wrote that, so I better shut up. (humor)

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