This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

Google Earth

The speed, power and data storage of computing devices doubles every 3 years. Over 100 million people worldwide have broadband Internet connections and another 50 million are expected to sign up in the next year. What are the interests driving these increases? One school of thought pionts to the overwealming amount of information that is only accessable through a broadband example of this is; A breakthrough more-than-just-geographical application that streams data on a "need-it-now" model. Every desktop with a decent amount of processing power coupled with a broadband connection can out-perform the most "super" of those impossible super-computers introduced to us in the early 70's by means of hi-tech television cop and spi shows. The furure is actually here.

Run Google Earth on Mac with VPC
Mac version coming

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