This content was published by Andrew Tomazos and written by several hundred members of the former Internet Knowledge Base project.

Computers & Education

How has the Internet changed the role of technology in education? To what extent do schools see the Internet as just a "giant encyclopedia" and the role of technology as a "more efficient method of instruction?" Have constructionist ideas such as LOGO simply gone by the wayside, in the Net Day Nation? Or are educators incorporating the Internet into creative new models for active learning?

The expansiveness, growth and access to the Internet (particularly the World Wide Web), has greatly impacted education in many ways. Information is now more easily accessible than at any time in human history. But what about the veracity and depth of that information? Taking blurbs from a web page is now the de facto way of doing term papers and research in much of education.
No longer are students wading through stacks of publications and books in order to develop a background, instead, they rely on truncated online documents to expedite their assignments.
Another major impact on education is the rapid growth of online courses and degrees. Colleges are scrambling to regain students they've lost to other colleges while struggling with issues such as quality, honesty, and training.

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